Friday, 16 March 2012

Planning ahead....


This weekend, by the look of things, I'll be finding my 1000th, so make sure you check out my post for that, Sunday, should I get round to finding it...

But I've been planning even further ahead!

If you didn't know, I've been busy coding the NEW CacheWalker forums - please visit them, and join in here - we had to move due to server issues.

Talking about CacheWalker, the NEXT event is now up and running, and we're on tour! Where? Only the tallest mountain in the country of Wales! Yep, the event will be held on the SUMMIT at 12:00 noon, after a group CacheWalker walk up to the top - along one of the well known routes. The date is Monday 11th June 2012 - it's a Monday because apparently it's too busy during weekends and holidays! So, yes, I'm planning ahead for that event, as on 11th June CacheWalker goes Welsh.

But, no, I'm literally PLANNING further ahead - planning being for the September CacheWalker Fifth Birthday event - being in charge, I am currently arranging a field for what could be a great picnic - and should it be that venue, it will be suitable for all - watch this space.

Anyway, time to sign out from having hundreds of caches found, and now to start a new chapter of having 1000+ caches found - all that, and looking back on my FIRST (of many, hopefully) 1000 caches. Check back then!

Griff Grof

PS - What do you think about the new look?

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