Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Come along to... CacheWalker Butchers Bash 2012


Just to tell you a bit about our upcoming CacheWalker event: CacheWalker Butchers Bash 2012

The all new CacheWalker event is live, this year hitting The Butchers Arms, Mickleton on 19th February for what is promised to be a great days caching!

CacheWalker launched back in 2007, and adds a unique twist to events - the original 2007 Twixmas Bash, was the first event of it's kind... An early meet for a group walk finding new caches, and then back to the pub for the main event - many events have followed it's format, but, this time, we are offering another unique twist...

With CacheWalker hitting 5 years in September, I thought it was time for a little change, so I will be filming the event and producing a documentary all about it, with exclusive DVD's available to attendees! There will be plenty of fun at the pub (Starting at 13:00) including my own quiz  and some more surprises. 

Come even earlier, at 08:30, for the depart of the CacheWalker group walk - this time a trail of 7 miles, consisting of around 20 all new caches, with stunning views, in and around Mickleton. 

We hope to make this the BIGGEST CacheWalker event ever, meaning we must get more than 42 attendees - will you come along, for what is sure to be a great event... Are you up to race the group for those FTF's? Are you a budding hollywood star? Are you desperate to have some geo-chat in a pub? If any of them is "yes", then come along, and visit CacheWalker Butchers Bash 2012!

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